23:59:59.999 <-- this is not a timestamp


I live by one mantra and one mantra only:

Even legends are given 24 hours a day.

True enough, casio never created a watch that ticks beyond 23:59:59.999 nor any brand of watch known to man. This is simply because we only have 24 hours a day not a miliseconds more (but we may have less).

Life Goals

What makes each of us accomplish more than others is how we organize our time to slot in activities. Today I woke up and I decide to perform a git push to this blog. I must find a slot in my day to sit down to do that. I believe setting short term goal will give yourself a challenge. By completing that challenge you can enjoy a sense of accomplishment. Small accomplishment but it actually do a lot for you. You’re teaching yourself to become descipline with your time management. It also teach you to keep your promise.

Time Management

Time and tide waits for no man

Time don’t wait for you, so you need to organize your day way ahead of time. You need to plan for today yesterday or the day before. You need to plan for tomorrow today or yesterday.

Fools rush in

I personally don’t believe in waking up early on the day just to plan ahead for the day. You will end up rushing and make last minute adjustment to the initial plan. Last minute adjustment usually screw things up thus makes it harder for you to execute your plan.

I vs the external factor

Sometime last minute adjustment were meant to happen due to external factor. Your appointment might have been moved up to another time, resource might not be available for you to purchase therefore forcing you to reschedule your tasks. This is ok, if you plan your time well, you can slot in the task at some other time.

Keeping promises

What a man if he don’t keep his promises

Promises are made and promises made are not meant to be broken. There are two parts of the statement, making promises and keeping it. Both of them are essential and require careful decision making as well as critical management skill.

Making promises

Making promises is also an act to commit to agreement to carry out some plan or achieve common goal. When making promises, ultimately make sure that the promise is something achievable. There is no use making promises knowing you will definitely fail to achieve. To me it is called lying. Lying also is an act of not keeping promises

Keeping promises

One does not simply commit to a plan just to cancel it when it is about to be carried out. Always remember what you have promised. It is also important to whom have you promised. Since making promise is an act of committing to an agreement with another party (or self), other party might have their plan broken just because they lack of resource to carry out their plan. That is bad. The case of abrupting one plan usually spark chain reaction to completing bigger plan. Bigger plan effects bigger group of people. That is even worse. Draft out a plan to carry out your promise, may it be putting up calendar entry or pasting post it notes on your wall. As long as you keep reminding yourself you are closer to keeping your promises.

24 x 365

24 hours a day is not that long to fit in your year long objectives but hey, you have 365 days to plan out carefully.